“What! How can a woman not be wearing a bra?” In our society, even though we are all trapped inside our houses for close to 2 years, it is just unfathomable for our archaic minds to grasp the simple idea of going braless. To have the basic freedom to wear OR not wear what I want;
isn’t it supposed to be our fundamental right?
A bra, short for brassiere or brassière, is a form-fitting undergarment designed to support or cover a woman’s breasts. It was patented in 1859 by Henry S. Lesher of Brooklyn, New York.
So, how can not wearing undergarments made for support cause irreversible damage to breasts?
Actually going braless is advocated by doctors and health experts because –
- Strengthens the pectoral muscles in the chest to help support the breasts, ultimately improving muscle tone and breast shape
- Improves blood circulation to the upper body with no soreness in muscles
- Avoiding regularly trap dirt and sweat against the skin of the breasts, which can cause clogged pores and irritation especially under the breasts
- Damages caused by tight bras can slowly start improving and healing along with grooves caused on the shoulder and back
Saggy breasts are a prime reason why women feel scared to go braless. Renowned health experts and personalities like Lisa Reynolds have stressed on the fact that going braless can actually strengthen the pectoral muscles in the chest to help support the breasts, ultimately improving muscle tone and breast shape. Moreover, going braless evolves more muscle tissue to provide natural protection. This is because the body needs to use the pectoral muscles against friction to firm up the breast tissue. So, what are you waiting for, ladies?
Choli Boli supports and urges women to embrace the concept of going braless because staying healthy is more important than trying to uphold a made up standards of how a woman’s body should look and outdated societal obligations. Be comfortable. Be breast confident!